Remnant Online Fellowship

Do you feel like you are living in a world that doesn’t make sense anymore? Waking up to worldly and biblical truths that others around you can’t or don’t want to see?
As a Christian, waking up to those truths and questioning the world around me left me isolated, overwhelmed and looking for answers. My journey of researching and connecting dots over several years ended up taking me to numerous prophecy conferences and on research trips. As I started to meet different people, I realized I was discussing and hearing the exact same statements from them that I was making when I first started questioning everything. My desire became to find a solution for those same statements and to bring like minded people together who call themselves the remnant in a world that is turning upside down.
So Remnant Online Fellowship was created out of a need to fill a void. That void is reflected in the statements below. Click on them to put you in front of awake Christian researchers, authors, podcasters, film makers, you-tubers, analysts and pastors who are discerning the times is which we live through the prophetic biblical lens. They tackle worldly and spiritual topics the church and mainstream won’t talk about. Relevant topics that Christians and non Christians alike are seeing happening all around them and asking honest questions about.
Mainstream media no longer reports real news and churches rarely stand against anything mainstream. If you are part of what we call the “Remnant", sometimes it can be a bit lonely and overwhelming. We hope this online platform will serve to fill a void and help you to interact with others of like mindedness while staying focused and grounded in God’s amazing word!

We'd love to hear from you
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." ~Col 2:8
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32
Website still under construction. More features coming....... eventually!!
DISCLAIMER: Remnant Online Fellowship is a volunteer effort and is not affiliated with any one ministry, speaker, author, researcher, film maker etc. All parties, except on the events page, have given written and/or verbal permission to be represented here. Fair use rules apply for proprietary images, videos and information. Remnant Online Fellowship is not an association of these speakers nor is it a fan page, official or otherwise. Being listed here does not constitute an endorsement on their part of Remnant Online Fellowship. Remnant Online Fellowship only desires to put people in front of information that we deem appropriate for the times in which we live, connecting with others of like mind and spreading the gospel message. Remnant Online Fellowship reserves all rights to remove anyone not in agreement with our statement of faith (coming soon) or purpose of this platform. All information listed here is for your education and enjoyment only.
DISCOVER why bible prophecy is important in understanding the accelerated rate in which our world is changing and what our role is in it.

FIND quick access to gifted teachers who God has raised up for such a time as this, who are looking for the arrival of our Lord.

CONNECT with others who are discerning the times in which we live. Attend a conference, live stream events or gather together in our message board.